Doxpop - Tools for Attorneys and Public Information Researchers: USPS Postal Rate set to increase, how will this effect Delivery by Doxpop rates?

Friday, July 8, 2022

USPS Postal Rate set to increase, how will this effect Delivery by Doxpop rates?


As announced by the USPS earlier this year, USPS postal rates are set to increase on July 10th, 2022. We've reviewed those changes and will be updating the pricing to our Delivery by Doxpop services in line with that pricing at the end of the day on July 8th due to the update happening over the weekend.

The rate updates are detailed but in short, the only increase you will see is the actual postage increase for services that utilize the USPS. The only exception is with First Class Mail and Certified Mail flat packages. With those, you will see the per-page printing fee slightly increase as that is how we account for additional per-ounce charges. 

You can review our full Delivery by Doxpop fees on our fee schedule here. 

If you have any questions or would like more details on these updates please don't hesitate to contact Doxpop Support at 866-369-7671 or

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