We've made your public service contact information more visible to account administrators.
You will now find that we display the public service contact information (red box) for each attorney in your firm (blue box) on the e-file account administration page. Remember this is the service contact that e-file users outside of your firm may attach to a case in order to serve one of your attorneys if they find that the attorney is not already listed as a service contact for a particular case.
Where does this information come from?
We query the e-file public service contact list using the Bar ID of each of the attorneys registered on your account (blue box) and display the public service contact information for each of them (red box).
What if something listed here is wrong?
Since the public service contact list is based on the Roll of Attorneys information, you will need to correct that via the Roll of Attorneys. We've made that a little easier by providing a link to the Roll of Attorneys site within the Public Service Contacts box.
You can now attach/detach/replace public service contacts using Doxpop's batch attachment tools.
Navigate to these tools by clicking the [Additional Tools] button under Service Contacts.
Attaching a public service contact to all of an attorney's cases:
1) Enter the Bar ID for the attorney you want to find cases for. (blue box)
2) If that bar ID matches a registered attorney on your firm, we will place the attorney's public service contact along with your firm's private service contacts in the Service Contact drop-down (red box). Public contacts are noted by the globe symbol to the left. The private contacts, created within the firm account, have no symbol.
3) If you only want this to affect cases of a specific status, choose that status. (green box)
4) Click [Attach]. The process will run and you will receive a summary email showing which cases were affected. (This process may take a while, but you can leave this screen and do other work while you wait for the summary to arrive.)
Using the detach and replace features with public service contacts:
First, in either section, you will want to find the public service contact you want to work with. Do this by selecting "Find a Public Service Contact" in the Service contact drop-down.
A window will open allowing you to search the public service contact list. Enter your search criteria and click [Search]. A list of matching results will show below. Click [Select] next to the contact you want to work with.
In the service contact drop-down you will see the public service contact and you can now run either the Detach or Replace process for it. This service contact will remain in those drop-down lists from this point forward.
It important to remember that you will only be able to detach or replace public service contacts on cases where someone within your firm originally attached them. If they were attached by someone from another firm you will not be able to detach them. Contact Doxpop Support for help in that case.
If you are not already familiar with the changes made to public service contacts at the first of the year catch up here:
State Court is doing away with the public service contacts that each attorney sets up and maintains for themselves.
Haven't seen our batch attachment tools? Catch up here.
E-file Reminder: Make sure you control your service contact!