Today, we welcome Dubois County to the Doxpop Property Watch system. Doxpop Property Watch allows property owners in Dubois County to monitor the Recorder's office for newly filed documents that affect their property. This service is provided at no cost to the public and is available at Dubois County has been adding many Doxpop services recently. The clerk's office in Dubois County also uses the Doxpop on-line Fine Payment service that allows payment of traffic tickets on-line, and an eFiling service that streamlines case processing.
Feel free to give us a call or email if you have any questions. ( or 866-369-7671).
School Matters on Indiana Diploma Overhaul
Steve Hinnefeld has a well-written post, explaining some of the twists and
turns in the State’s plans to overhaul high school diploma requirements. I
2 months ago