Doxpop - Tools for Attorneys and Public Information Researchers: Of interest to Richmond-area attorneys: Whitewater Valley Pro Bono "Race for Justice" is next Saturday

Thursday, August 2, 2018

Of interest to Richmond-area attorneys: Whitewater Valley Pro Bono "Race for Justice" is next Saturday

Doxpop is located in Richmond, and we appreciate the efforts of our local Whitewater Valley Pro Bono Commission to provide justice for those in our community who can't afford to hire an attorney.

This Saturday, (August 4th, 2018) the Pro Bono Commission's sixth annual Race for Justice fundraiser will be held at Glen Miller park in Richmond.

You can find details here:

Thanks also to the folks who sponsor this event:

John Maley, Esq.
Barnes and Thornburg
Burton and Simkin

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