Doxpop - Tools for Attorneys and Public Information Researchers: Kosciusko begins e-filing, here's what you need to know about them.

Monday, May 8, 2017

Kosciusko begins e-filing, here's what you need to know about them.

Kosciusko County started e-filing last Friday (5/8/17), and Clerk Ann Torpy reports that so far everything is running smoothly. E-filing is voluntary for the next couple of months and will become mandatory on July 3rd. (We'll celebrate with fireworks the next day!)

If you are new to e-filing or want a refresher on the rules and process, Doxpop will be doing a training session at Noon on May 17th in Warsaw that qualifies for 1.5 hours of CLE credit for attorneys. If you'd like to attend that session (no cost), contact Kosciusko Co. Bar Association President Robert Bishop to RSVP. (574-372-2421 or

As always, remember that if you already have a doxpop account, you can begin e-filing through our system at no additional cost, and without having to learn a new system. Just give us a call at 866-369-7671 to get started.

Here are a couple of details to help you get started e-filing in Kosciusko:

1) For Sheriff's Service of civil process, pay for the service through the e-filing system when you file the summons, then deliver 3 copies of the documents to the Sheriff's Department. If you are unfamiliar with this method of paying for service, please refer to our earlier blog post for Vanderburgh that explains how to pay for service through the e-filing system and provide proof of payment to the Sheriff. The process is essentially identical for Kosciusko.

2) Orders and Judgments will be sent to you using the county's e-notice system. Since they don't use the Odyssey system, the e-mail address they send these notices to is controlled locally. That means it's worth calling the clerk's office to make sure they have the correct email address for you. Their phone number is (574) 372-2331, and they are very friendly people to work with.

When you receive judgments & orders, they will come from Make sure your email client doesn't put anything from that address in the spam can!

The information above has been added to our general survey of counties found here (for Sheriff's service) and here (for judgment & orders.)

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