It has been a long journey! The Monroe County Courts were the first county office to partner with Doxpop, so it is exciting to finally add the Monroe County Recorder's Office to our family of Doxpop local government partners.
This has been a bittersweet process for us because we started working with Jim Fielder to make Recorded Documents available online. We are grateful to Jeff Ellington for continuing to move this project forward after Jim passed away in May. Jeff Ellington brought this project to completion, but it is also a legacy for Jim Fielder. We appreciate both of these far-sighted leaders.
Both the index and images for documents filed after January 1, 1991 are now available on the Doxpop web site. Basic information is available at no cost. Detailed information and document images are available as a fee-based service for professional users.
This new service is being provided by the County Recorder's Office at no cost to the taxpayers of Monroe County. The access provided by this service is in addition to the public access already provided at the Recorder's Office.
Doxpop and the Recorder will be providing a training session for the public in the next few weeks. Please contact Jeff Ellington, Monroe County Recorder for details. Jeff Ellington may be reached at (812) -349-2520.
Law is Potential Violence
Another couple of thoughts I posted over on social media which seemed worth
memorializing here. In light of the ongoing unpleasantness, Peter Sagal on
2 days ago
I knew Jim fielder and If he wanted citizens real estate information scatted all across the world for anyone with a smart phone he would have done it.He had ample opportunity,he personally told me he would not do it without letting the public vote on it.jeff ellington was only there for a few months and only in the actual office for a few days,you convinced him it was a good idea because of his own ignorance and he thought it would get him elected.thats what happens when some one that has never been in the office elects himself .guess thats why he is not there now,
Hi Anonymous... This comment borders on offensive, but we'll let it stay for the moment. If you are going to criticize others by name, you really need to find the personal courage to step up and identify yourself.
You're right that Jim initially had reservations about putting these records on-line. I first approached him about doing this years ago, and he took his time thinking it over. We're not a high-pressure company, so we respected his concerns and just checked in periodically to make sure he knew we were interested. When Jim decided he was ready to make this move, he contacted us, not the other way around. His decision was thoughtful and deliberate. I don't want to take this conversation much further out of respect for the people involved, so I'll just close by saying that *every* person we've worked with in Monroe County has been a pleasure to know, and Jim in particular was one of the kindest souls I've ever known.
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