Doxpop - Tools for Attorneys and Public Information Researchers: The CCS is back, with our apologies.

Friday, June 22, 2012

The CCS is back, with our apologies.

A couple of weeks ago, we thought we were improving and simplifying our system by replacing the old CCS link with the printable version of the case details. Boy were we wrong! Apparently the less detailed and simpler view is valuable to many folks, so the CCS is back.

Thanks to everyone who quickly gave us feedback about this. We do our best to make the Doxpop system better with each release, but when an "improvement" really isn't, we're willing to respond quickly.

The CCS link is available on both the search results list and in the upper right corner of case detail pages.

Please keep the feedback coming, and know that we appreciate you.


Anonymous said...

Thank you! You've just made my day!

Anonymous said...

Thank you very much

Eric said...

thanks for listening