Doxpop - Tools for Attorneys and Public Information Researchers: Resources for E-Filers. Forms and Local Procedures

Tuesday, April 11, 2017

Resources for E-Filers. Forms and Local Procedures

There are a couple of support requests that we receive regularly now that e-filing is well under way. The first is help with locating sample forms. The second is what the local rules and processes are when they vary from the basic rules outlined at the state level.

We'll list the resources we've found for both of these below. To find what you need quickly, user your browser's "search in page" function (usually Control-F) to search for a county or keyword for a document.

We'll update this post as we come across new resources, so bookmark it as a reference moving forward, and please let us know if there's a resource we should add.


As a general rule, remember to never combine more than one document in a single PDF file. Many older forms combined several documents, and that makes it hard for the e-filing system to route them correctly.

Collections of forms:


Certificate of Issuance of Summons

Notice of Exclusion from Public Access

Return of Service of Summons 

(Note- Trial Rule 86(G)(2)(d)(i) allows you to direct the return receipt for certified or registered mail directly to the clerk, avoiding the need to file this form. However, if you should opt to have the receipt come to your office, this is a form you may use to identify the scanned receipt.)

Local Rules/Procedure


Anonymous said...

Allen County link goes to

Nick Fankhauser said...

D'oh! I'm sorry. That link is fixed now.