Doxpop - Tools for Attorneys and Public Information Researchers: Mass updates to a "behind the scenes" field in the Recorder's offices may slow updates and alerts for several weeks.

Tuesday, August 6, 2024

Mass updates to a "behind the scenes" field in the Recorder's offices may slow updates and alerts for several weeks.

Doxpop partners with 46 Indiana Recorders and 2 Michigan Registers of Deeds that use the CSI Title 1 system for document indexing. CSI recently made a change to their system to improve image storage that is altering every document index record in a manner that is not visible to users, but affects image storage, and hence Doxpop's system.

Processing 23 million updates takes some time, even for a computer... To moderate the impact, CSI is upgrading the counties in several groups rather than simultaneously across the entire state. As each county is upgrading, our update process will fall behind for a day or two while we process the changes, and then everything will go back to normal.

What this means for you as a researcher is that it will be important to keep an eye on the "last updated" timestamp for each county you search in during August so you know how current the index is. To find this, go to the list of Indiana Doxpop Recorder Partner Counties, or Michigan Register of Deeds Partner Counties and click on the name of the county in the leftmost column. This will open a county details page, and in the green Recorder or Register pane, the last update timestamp is at the top:

This change will not trigger alerts on Doxpop's Property Watch System.

As always, if you've got any questions or concerns, please don't hesitate to call 866-369-7671 or email 

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