July 1st, 2017 saw many changes in fees for Indiana Recorder's Offices, including an increase in fees for large-format Recorded Document pages, such as Plats. This fee was increased from $2 to $5 per page. Doxpop had previously been collecting $2 per page for our Recorders, and so our fees also increased to reflect this.
The increase prompted a number of calls, and upon asking several of our partner Recorders it seemed that there wasn't a unified approach to the new fee. Both Doxpop and our partners wished for a better, more unified interpretation of that rule, so we contacted the Indiana Recorder's Association to seek guidance.
The Recorder's Association has recommended that recorders collect $1 per page for all copies delivered online. Doxpop has updated our system to reflect this recommendation, and there is no longer an upcharge for large-format Recorded Document pages.
Please keep an eye out for fee updates in the future as Recorders work through how to respond to the changes in law, but for now, we have set the base fee for all documents obtained through Doxpop to $1 per page regardless of size.
Remember that in addition to the Recorder's fee, Doxpop may charge a fee as well. If you are on the 6-search plan (with no subscription fee), the total charge for documents is $2 per page. If you are are on the 20-search or 60-search plans, the total charge is $1.35. On the 200-search and above plans, there is no additional fee, so you just pay the $1 that we pass along to the Recorder.
This change takes effect immediately. Feel free to contact us if you have any questions!
Law is Potential Violence
Another couple of thoughts I posted over on social media which seemed worth
memorializing here. In light of the ongoing unpleasantness, Peter Sagal on
1 day ago
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