Doxpop - Tools for Attorneys and Public Information Researchers: A big welcome to the Bartholomew County Recorder's office!

Wednesday, November 25, 2015

A big welcome to the Bartholomew County Recorder's office!

Please join us in welcoming Anita Hole, Bartholomew County Recorder, and her office to the family of Doxpop partners!

The Bartholomew County Recorder's Office recently completed a local software conversion that allowed us to add them to the Doxpop Public Access System. This will make research much easier for researchers who previously had to look in more than one place to do a complete search.

Both images and index information for all documents filed on or after January 1, 1983 is now available online.

Anyone wishing to look up recorded documents on-line may visit to use the service. A low-volume search plan is available for free, with higher-volume subscriptions available to commercial users for a fee.

In addition, Bartholomew County citizens may now use the Doxpop Property Watch Service at no cost. The property watch service helps prevent property fraud and identity theft by allowing people to set a watch for any new documents filed at the Recorder's office referencing their property or name.

Anita Hole has worked with Doxpop to provide these enhanced access services at no cost to Bartholomew County.

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