Doxpop - Tools for Attorneys and Public Information Researchers: Welcome Rush County Recorder!

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Welcome Rush County Recorder!

The Rush County Recorder is pleased to announce two new services for providing access to Rush County's Recorded documents through the web.

The index to documents filed in August 1997 or later and images of documents filed in December 1998 or later are now available on-line at Basic information about the documents is available at no cost. Detailed information and documents images are available as a fee-based service.

In addition, The Recorder's Office now offers a free property watch service to our community. Any person may sign up at to set a watch on his or her property and name. Participants are notified via email any time a document is filed that references the watched property or name.

Both of these services have been provided without any use of public funding (no use of tax money.) The access provided by these services is in addition to the public access already provided at the courthouse.

For additional information, contact Sally Niedenthal at the Recorder's Office, (765) 932-2388, or Nick Fankhauser at Doxpop, LLC; (765) 373-9245;

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