Doxpop - Tools for Attorneys and Public Information Researchers: July 2015

Tuesday, July 28, 2015

Update on Monroe County Recorded Document Images

Over the weekend and the past couple of days, we've been restoring our set of document images for Monroe County and lending a hand to the County Tech Services folks as they do a similar restore on their end.

At this point,  we have got Monroe's document images restored on our system up to Monday, 7/20. The index information was never compromised, and it remains current and accurate.

This means you can use Doxpop to retrieve images for documents filed prior to last week, but for documents filed during the last week, you'll have to go to the recorder's office.

We expect that sometime tomorrow (7/29), the county will complete their restoration process and the following day, we will turn on the process that synchronizes both systems, returning Monroe completely to normal on our system.

Friday, July 24, 2015

So what's going on with the Monroe Recorder's document images?

Folks who use our service for Monroe County recorded documents have probably noticed that document images are currently unavailable from 2013 forward.

That's because last weekend (7/18) Monroe County's image storage drives failed. They are currently working on restoring those images, and we expect them back on Monday (7/27). Our original estimate was that this would happen sometime on Thursday, but it got complicated... Apologies for that incorrect prediction!

In the meantime, the good news is that the index information is unaffected by this outage. So you won't miss any documents when you do a search... You'll just have to wait a few days to get a copy of the images.

If you want more details, give us a call (866-369-7671) or email (