Monroe County and Doxpop have enjoyed a close partnership in providing public access to court records over the past five years. With the installation of the new state-provided case management system in Monroe County, Doxpop is no longer able, at least temporarily, to provide access to public information for the Monroe Courts. Access to other Doxpop partner courts is unaffected by this change.
To learn more, read our letter to Doxpop users or see Status of Monroe County Court Information.
Important Note: This county's data was restored to the Doxpop system in November, 2011. Read the details here:
Hoosier Demographics: Get Busy Living or Get Busy Dying
Ball State Economist, Michael Hicks, has a good column that I saw in the
Indiana Citizen entitled “What the census tells Hoosiers about the Future.”
I do...
7 hours ago