Doxpop - Tools for Attorneys and Public Information Researchers: How to respond if someone notifies you that they got an "Electronic Service Undeliverable" message when trying to e-serve you.

Monday, June 1, 2020

How to respond if someone notifies you that they got an "Electronic Service Undeliverable" message when trying to e-serve you.

What to do if a filer tells you they tried to e-serve a document to you and got an "Electronic Service Undeliverable" message.

The problem is nearly always due to a problem on the recipient's system, so it is your responsibility to fix it. (When you signed up for an E-Filing account, you agreed to facilitate e-service.) There are three common problems to check. From simplest to most complex, they are:
  1. The email address in your service contact is wrong.
  2. Your email server or client is rejecting the message as spam or suspicious email.
  3. Your email service is imposing a limit on the volume of incoming messages.
If you are a Doxpop customer, just call us when this happens, and we'll help you figure it out. Solving problems is our job.

If your are not a Doxpop customer, or you just like figuring things out on your own, here's how to diagnose the problem:

Ask the filer to provide a copy of the SMTP log for the failed delivery. Their EFSP can help them locate this.
  • At first glance, an SMTP log will look like technical jargon, but it contains many clues that are easy to decipher. Scan the log looking for a phrase indicating failure or rejection of the message. Near that phrase, you'll find an error message:
  • Error messages such as "User not found" "Address not found" "No such user" all indicate the email address in your e-service contact is wrong. 
  • Error messages containing words like as "Rejected" "Spam" "Filtered" indicate that your spam filter or firewall is filtering these messages. Click here to view our previous post on fixing spam filtering problems.
  • Error messages containing words like 'Limit", "Volume", "Exceeded", "Too Many" indicate that your mail server rejected the email either because you have a total limit for the account, or there is a limit placed on the number of emails that can be received from a particular sender. You'll need to contact your IT department or email administrator to solve this problem. (Give her or him the SMTP log.)
If none of the ideas above help, just give us a call! We'll help you figure it out.

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